At Wobbi, we are proud to offer boots in EVA material that is non-toxic. At the same time, we are aware that we are not as sustainable as we would like to be. But we are determined to improve. What many people do not know today is that a commonly occurring substance in rubber boots is lead. Lead can cause brain damage and other health problems if taken into the body in high doses. Other toxic substances that are good to keep an eye on when buying boots are phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and also benzo(e)pyrene, which are classified as carcinogenic and then also banned from being in boots today.
The material EVA that Wobbi uses in all boot models does not contain any of these toxins and Wobbi has done laboratory tests to verify this.
We are a small player in the industry and we know that we are not alone in our challenges with sustainability in this industry which historically has had a poor environmental focus.
We try to look up to big companies like Houdini and Patagonia who have come further in the development of recyclable clothing and try to do the same for shoes/boots. Our dream is to be as good or better than them at reducing our environmental impact.

However, we have come a long way and made great improvements, such as removing cartons from our deliveries to accommodate more boots in the same container and sending the boots in recyclable plastic bags. We have developed a platform that helps us measure exactly how far a package travels from the warehouse in Skurup to the end customer, we count not only how far it travels but also how big the CO2 emission for each shipment is. This constantly helps us review which shipping options have the lowest possible CO2 emissions.
We have moved both the warehouse and the production of the boots closer to each other to reduce transport there as well, which of course results in a large reduction in CO2 per product, something we are very happy with.
But we want to do more and we need your help. If you have tips and tricks for us on how we can become more sustainable, please contact us. We really appreciate any help we can get.